Silvia Cruceru
The persistence of memory
... The weft of time. The transience of people. The sediments of ages. (Im)permanent signs ... In the nostalgia of the great stages of life, its fleeting moments go unnoticed. But life is in fact composed of all these volatile moments: insignificant, planned, but also unexpected, abrasive, concealed in the less alluring appearance of precariousness. The beauty of life is not always lucid, static or crystalised in its own beauty. Beauty bears the melancholic mark of the pinnacle and decay of our history.
Graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Bucharest. I took several courses of initiation in jewelry supported by Assamblage -The Institute of Art and Design.
The International Jewelry Fair AUTOR- Bucharest - Artistar Jewels 2019, Milan Joya Barcelona 2019 - (UN/REVEALED Collection for Assamblage Collective BELONGING/S exhibition) Romanian Jewelry Week 2020; Award: The Grand Award of Romanian Jewelry Week Munich Jewellery Week 2021
The International Jewelry Fair AUTOR- Bucharest - Artistar Jewels 2019, Milan Joya Barcelona 2019 - (UN/REVEALED Collection for Assamblage Collective BELONGING/S exhibition) Romanian Jewelry Week 2020; Award: The Grand Award of Romanian Jewelry Week Munich Jewellery Week 2021