Julian Graeve

Study on more conscious haptic and tactile perception of jewellery. Design of pleasantly touching rings, a bracelet and a collier, which create a feeling of »Geborgenheit« (ger=comfort/security) when worn. The visual presentation is only one part of adornment. Rather, the jewellery object plays a greater personal role for many people. By concentrating on the connection between body jewellery and the person, feeling comes to the fore. If you want to perceive jewellery consciously, you want to feel it consciously.

Four rings that have clear edges, corners and are not round on the inside to emphasize interaction. This interaction lets you concentrate on the object and the good memories you connect with it.

A bracelet that clamps with slight force against the hand to imitate a comforting handshake.

And a collier that rests with pleasant heaviness on the shoulders like a warm hug, and can be lifted up to snuggle against the face.

My name is Julian Graeve, recently graduated product designer (BA) with a focus on contemporary product and jewellery design. I spent my studies at the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany, and at the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design in Jerusalem, Israel. This summer semester I completed my Bachelor of Arts in Product Design at the Hochschule für Gestaltung with a bachelor thesis on jewellery design and haptic perception. While studying at Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design I designed a contemporary Chanukkia (candle holder for celebrating the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah) which is now part of the collection of the Jewish Museum Frankfurt, Germany. In 2021 I received the Silver Award at "aed Neuland" for a group product design project.
