Cleopatra Cosulet
Incipit Collection
Today cannot turn into tomorrow without finding its end and becoming yesterday. But does it really end? Isn't it still there, finding itself everywhere inside the structure of what it is and is to be? The end thus becomes the beginning, the beginning, the end, in a cyclical movement always contained by everything that exists. How we choose to process this fact is the result of our individuality and free will. Thereby, each one of us evolves predetermined by a multitude of factors, but conditioned by the way we interact with them.
Following her call for contemporary expression through jewelry, romanian artist Cleopatra Cosulet attended Assamblage-Contemporary Jewelry School Bucharest and Krama Institute Athens courses and workshops and also Ruudt Peters’s “Soul Now” workshop in Ravenstein, Holland. Her collections were showcased in exhibitions organised by Assamblage (Bucharest, Romania), Galerie Biro (Munich, Germany), Tincal Lab (Porto, Portugal), Autor Platform (Bucharest, Romania) and international jewelry fairs such as Author Bucharest, JOYA Barcelona and SIERAAD Amsterdam.