Anne Luz Castellanos

When I was a child, we used to play the piano – my mother, my three sisters, and I. Those were times of joy and enjoyment, but now only the memories of those concert days remain, memories of that beautiful grand piano that I always wanted to have, nostalgic memories that are etched in my mind.
Some time ago, I came into possession of pieces from a destroyed piano. When I began working with the keys, I found myself in a terrible conflict about using the white keys because they were made of ivory, and knowing that I had in my hands pieces of "remains" from elephants made me shudder. Over time, I realised that I had a new opportunity in my hands. In March 2023, another abandoned piano came into my possession, also made with ivory and ebony, and my quest once again found a path.
Reviving damaged objects that cost the lives of so many and fell into oblivion to give them a new chance became my goal. Giving a voice to extinct species and those in danger of disappearing has been my driving force to continue in the pursuit of expression through these pieces.
Each transformed piano key becomes a symbol of the thin line between life and death, a reminder of the responsibility we have as human beings to preserve and protect the biodiversity of our planet.

1999–2003: Universidad Iberoamericana. Industrial Design (Mexico).

2023–2024: “The space between” (Munich), Ferrous Festival and Magan Gallery (UK)
2023–2024: “Dream and reality, Jewels”, Lalabeyou (Spain), Galerie Beeld & Aambeeld (Netherlands),
Tincal lab Challenge, “Jewellery and Travel” (2023), “Antivirus” (2020), “Jewellery and Anatomy” (2019), Portugal
2023: “Lo Esencial” (Uruguay), showing with Elvira Cibotti
2021: “Evocaciones”, “Gabinete de curiosidades” and “Abran cancha” (Argentina)
2019: Beijing International Jewellery Art Exhibition
2018: Selected artist for “Schmuck 2018” (Munich, Germany), “Routes Australes” (Canada)
2022: Solo show “Las sutilezas del recuerdo” (Argentina), Art space Gontran Cherrier
2013: Showcase 500 Art Necklaces, Larks Books