Amélia Marta

These 3 pieces were handcrafted using stone cutting of waste of marble from quarries, crystals and wood. They bring us different sensations such as the coldness of the stone, the warm of the wood, the different weights, they are pieces that you feel very present on your hands. They are an evolution.

The solid, stablished past: “Rocks”; The unstable, cracked Present: “Ruins”; The visionary and tech future: “Skyscraper”.


2020–2023: Jewellery Techniques I, II and III in Arco – Centro de Arte e Comunicaçăo Visual (Tutors: Sónia Brum and Catarina Silva)


● 2021 Fold forming – Arco – Ana Margarida Carvalho
● 2021 Finger Knitting – Allis Lab – Inęs Costa
● 2021 Paper Clay Jewellery – Ana Marta Pereira
● 2023 Pátines – Allis Lab – Judy McCaig
● 2023 Wax Carving – Allis Lab – Calixto Sánchez
● 2023 Electroforming – Allis Lab – Gáston Rois
● 2023 Stone and Gem Cutting – Mágda Sá Studio – Tarja Tuupanen
